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Tragshur is the slash ship between Richard Trager and Miles Upshur from the Outlast fandom.



Richard straps Miles into a wheelchair

Trager strapping Miles into a wheelchair.

In 2013, Miles is an investigative journalist, whom having received a tipoff from an anonymous whistleblower about the inhumane acts happening at Mount Massive Asylum for the Criminally Insane. Throughout the beginning of Miles’ investigation, he is stalked and chased by various patients of the asylum. During one chase to evade his attackers, Miles hears a voice say to him, “Who’s down there? You’re not one of them are you? Quick! Get in the dumbwaiter if you want to live!” Miles climbs into the dumbwaiter to escape the pursuing variants. It’s there he meets Richard Trager, a former Murkoff executive turned “surgeon”. Despite initially sounding like an ally, once the dumbwaiter makes it to its stop, Trager beats Miles, picks him up, and then straps him into a wheelchair.

Trager rolls Miles down a hallway and begins to taunt him by offering him a chance to escape the asylum by walking out the exit door. Miles is unable to do so due to the wheelchair restraints, leading to Trager pretending Miles wants to stay. Trager takes him up an elevator and down a few more hallways, where they finally arrive to a makeshift operating room; a bathroom covered in gore with a table that has various sharp tools on it. Trager takes Miles’ camcorder and sets it down on the sink before washing his hands. He has a short one-side conversation with Miles about Father Martin and his religious viewpoints before taking a large pair of bone shears and cutting off two of Miles’ fingers. Trager leaves the room for a short while, giving Miles a chance to escape. Miles breaks out of the wheelchair restraints and navigates through the other “operating rooms”. Other “patients” of Trager begin yelling his name, gaining Trager’s attention from elsewhere. He soon discovers Miles is gone and becomes enraged, leading to Trager scouring the area to find him.

Death of Trager

Miles’ note upon recording Trager’s corpse.

Evading Trager for a short while, Miles retrieves the key he needs to start a manually-operated elevator. He uses the key just as Trager breaks into the elevator from the floor below in an attempt to get to him. In the struggle, Miles shoves Trager out, causing Trager’s upper torso to be caught between the floors, resulting in him being crushed to death in the process. Upon recording Trager’s corpse, Miles’ can write the note:

“How To Make Trager Juice
Step 1: squeeze.”

Miles then escapes through a hatch in the elevator ceiling.


Tragshur is a notable, though small ship within the Outlast fandom. It is a protagonist/antagonist paring.

On AO3, Tragshur has 25+ works in its romantic/slash tag, and none in its platonic/general tag.



Trager/Miles tag on AO3
Trager/Miles tag on


  • The note “Death of Trager” can be acquired by filming Trager’s corpse inside the elevator.
  • The note “Dr. Rick Trager” can be acquired by filming Trager killing one of his “patients”.
    • It’s in this note, Miles will make it known that he wants to see Trager die.


Outlast - Logo1
SHIPS het BlynnWayli
slash CameraShippingJerwayTragshurWalkshurWeddie
non-binary Walmiles
poly Polycamorous
CHARACTERS male Miles UpshurWaylon Park