Shipping Wiki

Hello! Welcome to this wiki. This page details how articles should be formatted. Please also read our policies if you haven't already. If you are unsure of anything, please contact an admin. Feel free to use the below boxes to format your articles. The boxes will create the article for you and set up the layout. So, all you have to do is fill in the information! (Must easier than having to read all this information)

<createbox> width=50 break=no preload=Template:Preload/Character buttonlabel=New Character </createbox>

<createbox> width=50 break=no preload=Template:Preload/Ship buttonlabel=New Ship </createbox>

<createbox> width=50 break=no preload=Template:Preload/Fandom buttonlabel=New Fandom </createbox>

General Article Standards


Headings should have the first letter of every word capitalized, except for prepositions e.g. "of", "in".

Neutral Point of View

Similar to Wikipedia, articles should be written from a neutral point of view, so it represents views fairly and without bias. Your opinions should not be promoted in the article. However, the "Fanon" section of a page can have general opinions about the reaction from fans towards the ship.

No emoticons

No smileys or emoticons should be used on a article page. Unless it is included within the ship article, or it is a commonly used emoticon within the work.

No use of <h1> or =Heading=

Articles should use <h2> or ==Heading== for main sections (e.g. canon or fanon). Then heading 3/4, when needed.

Template:Sublinks {{Sublinks}}

The sublinks template should be added directly after the infobox on article article page (excluding Quotes or Gallery pages). This adds links to image categories or sub pages such as quotes or galleries.

Ship articles

Canon and Fanon ships

This article accepts ships that are canonical (pairings that are deemed official, or have occurred in the series) or are fanon (a pairing that is not official, no romantic or sexual feelings have been shown towards each other). Incest and underage ships are accepted, however the pages will be removed if an admin feels that the page is too inappropriate.


Articles should use Template:Infobox/Ship as the main infobox for ship articles. The old infoboxes (Template:Ship) and the old complicated data system are currently being removed in favor of the new infoboxes. You may use the following code to format the infoboxes.
|name = Ship name *
|image = Image here

|fandomI = Series/Franchise here
|fandomII = Optional second series/franchise/book/so on
|fandomIII = Optional third fandom (continue adding fandoms in roman numerals if needed)

|characterI = Character 1 in the ship *
|characterII = Character 2 in the ship *
|characterIII = Character 3 in the ship

|status = Status of relationship (e.g. married/dating/enemies)
|aka = Other names for the ship
|type =  Het/Slash/Femslash/Family/Threesome *
|canonical = Canon/Fanon/Semi-Canon
|links = Notable links here (e.g. AO3 Links, Other Wiki links, Wikipedia links)


For ships, the following headings/sections should be used in order if needed:
  • Short introduction should be placed after the sublinks tag. Similar to the form: "SHIP NAME is a [[TYPE]] ship between CHARACTER 1 and CHARACTER 2 in the FANDOM series.
  • Canon - Describe their relationship in the series and how it progresses. Separate headings can be created if there are multiple types of canon. (e.g. books and movie adaptations)
  • Fanon - Describe how the ship is viewed in the fandom. You can also include why people ship it, common themes in fanfictions, when people started shipping it, the popularity of the ship etc.
  • Children - (optional) - Descriptions of the ship's children can be added here.
  • Behind the Scenes - (optional) - comments from the authors/actors about the ship can be added in this section.
  • Notable Fanfiction, Communities, Videos and Resources - (optional) - In this section, you can add links to popular fanfictions of the ship, tumblr blogs, livejournals, AO3 Tags, Wikis etc.
  • Trivia - (optional) - any small pieces of information that doesn't fit in other sections.

Character articles

No appearance, personality or plot sections

This wiki is a shipping wiki, so it should only have information on a character's relationships or response in fandom. This means that sections such as personality, appearance, plot, powers and so on should not be added to the wiki. Each series/fandom/franchise has their own wiki for this information. For example, the page, Hermione Granger should only talk about Hermione's relationships and information in the "fanon" section. But the Hermione Granger page on the Harry Potter Wiki is where information on personality, appearance and so on should be added.


Articles should use Template:Infobox/Character as the main infobox for ship articles. The old infoboxes (Template:Character) and the old complicated data system are currently being removed in favor of the new infoboxes. You may use the following code to format the infoboxes.
|name = Name of character *
|image =  Image here

|fandomI = Series/Franchise here *
|fandomII =  Optional second series/franchise/book/so on
|fandomIII =  Optional third fandom (continue adding fandoms in roman numerals if needed)

|fullname = Full name here - leave blank if it is the same as the name parameter
|gender = Male/Female/Agender/Intersex/Gender Fluid/etc *
|sex = Male/Female *
|sexuality = Heterosexual/Homosexual/Bisexual/Asexual/Pansexual/etc
|romantic = Heteroromantic/Homoromantic/Biromantic/Aromantic/Panromantic
|age = Age here 
|birthdate = Birthdate
|height = Height here
|weight = Weight here
|hair = Hair color here
|eyes = Eye color here
|home = Current residence here 
|laterality = Left/Right 

|family = List of family members here with their title next to their name (e.g. [[Molly Weasley]] (''mother'') 
|romances = List of sexual/romatic canonical relationships here

|popularships= links to ships that are popular with this character
|links = Wiki links/Wikipedia links/AO3 links/so on


For characters, the following headings/sections should be used in order (if needed):
  • Short introduction should be placed after the sublinks tag. Similar to the form: "CHARACTER NAME is a character from FANDOM series. Also, a short overview of the character in canon can also be added.
  • List of Ships - A list of the ships the character is involved in. This section can be separated in headings, such as "Het ships", "Slash ship" and "Femslash ships".
  • Canon Relationships - A overview of the different relationship that the character is involved in. This should be separated into sections by character.
  • Fanon - Describe how the character is viewed in the fandom. You can also include reactions towards the character, common themes in fanfictions, memes involving the character, the popularity of the character, popular ships etc.
  • Children - (optional) - Descriptions of the ship's children can be added here.
  • Behind the Scenes - (optional) - comments from the authors/actors about the character can be added in this section.
  • Notable Fanfiction, Communities, Videos and Resources - (optional) - In this section, you can add links to popular fanfictions of the character, tumblr blogs, livejournals, AO3 Tags, Wikis etc.
  • Trivia - (optional) - any small pieces of information that doesn't fit into other sections.

Fandom articles


Articles should use Template:Infobox/fandom as the main infobox for ship articles. The old infoboxes (Template:Fandom) and the old complicated data system are currently being removed in favor of the new infoboxes. You may use the following code to format the infoboxe:
|name = Name of series/franchise/book/whatever
|image = Image here

|media =  Media of the series, e.g. books, movies, tv show, comics, anime, manga
|writer = The writer/authors of the series here
|country = Country of origin, where it was originally created
|genre = Genres of the series here. e.g. fantasy, science fiction, mystery, romance etc

|aka = Other names for the series
|popularships = Popular ships of the fandom are listed here.
|related = Any related fandoms here. (e.g. Iron Man would be a related fandom to Captain America)
|links = Notable links, e.g. wikipedia links, wiki links, AO3 links


For characters, the following headings/sections should be used in order (if needed):
  • Short introduction should be placed after the sublinks tag. Similar to the form: "FANDOM/SERIES NAME is a MEDIA TYPE series. Also, a short overview of the fandom can be added.
  • Plot - An overview of the plot can be added here.
  • List of Ships - A list of the ships in the fandom. This section can be separated in headings, such as "Het ships", "Slash ship" and "Femslash ships".
  • Fandom - Describe the fandom. What is it like? What are popular ships? What memes have been created? What are the reactions of fans to the fandom? When did it gain interest? So on.
  • Behind the Scenes - (optional) - comments from the authors/actors about the fandom can be added.
  • Notable Fanfiction, Communities, Videos and Resources - (optional) - In this section, you can add links to popular fanfictions in the fandom, tumblr blogs, livejournals, AO3 Tags, Wikis etc.
  • Trivia - (optional) - any small pieces of information that doesn't fit into other sections.




Fanart is allowed on the wiki. However, a source of the artist must be added to the file page using the Template:Image Description. An example of this is: File:FitzWard_-_andlatitude_fanart.png. If you are unsure of how to do this, please contact a admin. Fanart that is used on this wiki, must not violate copyright. Please make sure that the artist is okay with the file being uploaded to the site. Any unsourced fanart with be deleted if a source is not added, and cannot be found.

Inappropriate Images

No pornography, NC-17 images, explicit violent images are allowed to be uploaded to this wiki. This policy is also enforced around the whole of wikia. Any images that involve kissing, partial lack of clothes, cuddling, etc are allowed on the wiki. However, any images that involve genitalia will be removed and is subject to a block.

Own Images

If you wanted to upload a non-shipping related image to your userpage, you can. For example, you can add a picture of a cow to your userpage, if you wanted to. But not to an article page if it isn't related. It is preferred that the Category:User Images is added to any images that are non-shipping/fandom/character related.


Template:Image Description

When uploading an image, it would be very helpful if Image Description is added. You may use the following code to format the infoboxe:
{{Image Description
|author= Link to author's posting site (or simply author name if site cannot be found).
|source= Source link. (e.g. urls to tumblr, deviantart, livejournal, pixiv, etc.)
|type=	Artwork/Manip/Model/Screenshot/Sprite.
|canon= If image appeared in non-fanmade media, use {{Yes}}. Otherwise, leave blank.

|shipI= If image includes a ship, link to it. Start with shipI, then go in increasing roman numerical order if more than one ship.

|characterI= If image includes a character, link to it. Start with characterI, then go in increasing roman numerical order if more than one character.

|prev= If the page is sequence of connected images, add prior image file name.
|next= If the page is sequence of connected images, add following image file name.

|fandom= If part of specific fandom, link to it.

|description= 	Less formal description of image.